Easter Weekend on the Crouch
The Burnham Squib Fleet’s 2023 Squib Season got under way with the 4 short races for the Cheeseboard Trophy. Everybody congregated at The Corinthian in the morning sun to set the course. This was agreed and everybody got under way for a 10.35 warning signal, with 11...
The Alchemy Rutland Invitational – 2023
Last weekend saw another round of early season activity with the now-traditional, if somewhat exclusive Alchemy Invitational Squib Weekend on Rutland Water. With its ultra-low entry limit of 10, ranging from all quarters of the UK including Bridlington, North Wales,...
UK Nationals – Event update
This promises to be an epic Championship week in Weymouth Bay this summer. The team at Weymouth Sailing Club have been working hard to ensure another superlative event at one of the UK's finest venues. If Weymouth bay is good enough for the Olympics, it's good enough...
Suffolk Squibs’ Measurement Day
On 22 March 2023 the Waldringfield and Haven Ports Squib Fleets organised a Weigh-In at the premises of EYE Ltd at Levington, East Suffolk . It took about three hours to give five Squibs a thorough health check. Four boats were officially re-weighed for new...
Friday 24th: After a week of rain, and a forecast of more rain and 30mph winds, the traditional start of the Regatta – The River Race – was not looking good. As it happened, Friday morning started off with bright sunshine and a clear sky – but with the wind blowing...
The RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show
This is an unmissable season-starter for many. This weekend saw another great showing for the Squib Class at the RYA Dinghy Show in Farnborough. Ths stand was in an excellent position at the heart of the action and saw a steady flow of interest from the faithful and...
Irish Squibs – 2023 Season Preview
Fiona Ward looks ahead to the coming season: After the hugely successful Combined Nationals venture in Kinsale we hope it won’t be another 4 years before we see all the Squib clans gathering again in Ireland As ever, the Welcoming Committee will be out in Killyleagh...
From a Foreign Correspondent
Greeting from the PSC, The Malaysia Squib fleet now comprises 14 boats and I think we will be back for more this year. We are busy putting together our 2023 programme but we now have confirmed dates for our MALAYSIAN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP on 2nd , 3rd and 4th June. ...
Squibs at the RYA Dinghy and Watersports Show
Squib 906 "Lucky Number" will be on stand D21 as a focus for all existing and potential Squib sailors to meet up and compare notes ahead of the 2023 sailing season. "Lucky Number" is one of the latest Squibs from Rondar Raceboats and she won the 2022 South Coast...
2023 UK National Championships update
The National Squib fleet can expect the traditional warm Weymouth welcome in June for the 2023 UK National Championships. This promises to be another superlative event at one of the UK's finest venues. If Weymouth bay is good enough for the Olympics, it's good enough...
“Squibblings” – a monthly Newsletter for the NSOA
Keep a weather eye on your inbox! The first edition of our new monthly newsletter will shortly be winging its way to all NSOA members. This exciting project will routinely keep Squibbers up to date on many aspects of Squibbing and will naturally include club...
I Saw Three Squibs Come Sailing By………………
Wishing every Squibber, Be they far or near, The very best for Christmas....... ..............and the happiest New Year. ANON
2022 Malaysian Squib Class National Championship
Sailors and spectators alike loved the inaugural Malaysian Squib Class National Championship at Pulau Indah Marina. The event was brilliantly hosted by The Peninsular Sailing Club Selangor. Nine Squibs enjoyed three days of close racing in beautiful conditions, the...
Burnham Squib Fleet 2022 End of Year Report
This was, my first year as Burnham Squib Class Captain, taking over from Alex Porteous. The Sailing Calendar was jam packed as ever, we Celebrated the 150th year of the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club and hosted the 2022 Squib East Coast Championships. The Season was warm...
2022 UK Inland Championships
Yet another major trophy for Ric’o’Shea! Rutland Water provided a strong 30-boat fleet with a rugged test for four races on the Saturday and a more benign but incredible shifty day on the water for the final three on Sunday. The outcome was another impressive...