Portsmouth Sailing Club

Portsmouth Sailing Club is a small but flourishing local sailing club situated in the heart of Old Portsmouth. The club organises a range of sailing events including a Spring and Autumn race series, a Frostbite Series for dinghies and keelboats.

Members have access to 60m of pontoon and slipway at the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour just inside the historic town Camber in Old Portsmouth. In 2018 a crane was installed that allows the launching of keelboats, RIBs and tenders which can be used by all members that have undergone a short 30-minute introductory course.

Although the Squib was only adopted by PSC in 2015-16, the class is thriving with 18+ boats. In 2021 PSC won the club trophy at the Squib inland championships for the best performing club, a trophy that had previously only ever been won  by two other clubs. PSC has one of the youngest Squib fleets in the UK, attracting a number of sailors from Portsmouth University that have settled in the City having finished their courses.

PSC has two private storage yards just 100m from the crane where the Squib fleet is stored & dry sailed from. For more information on Squib sailing from PSC please email PSC Squib class captain Daniel Henderson or call 07568 104883.

Squibs at Portsmouth SC
National Squib Association Portsmouth SC

Portsmouth Sailing Club

Contact: Dan Henderson