Use this form as the basis of a rules ‘health check’ for your Squib.
It has been prepared by the Squib measurers primarily for pre-event measurement checks. It is equally useful for individual owners wanting to check their own boats and for fleets wanting to arrange a group measurement check session.
If you have a question on any aspect of this please contact the NSOA Chief Measurer at or via the NSOA Secretariat.
- When checking the mast C-of-G the halyards must all be fully hoisted and the tails led back up the mast, with any excess secured at the masthead crane. ( see Class Rule F.2.3 (b) )
- The only advertising permitted on the boat and sails is manufacturers’ ( e.g. sailmakers) marks and and any event-specific advertising ( e.g hull stickers, boom stickers etc). These are permitted only for the duration of that event and should be removed afterwards, even for club sailing.
- Recent ediitions of the Squib Class Rules have clarified the position on cockpit seat thickess. The restrictions have not been changed, they were previously referred to in the Class Rules as ‘shown on the plans’ but not stated clearly in the text of the Class Rules.
- A Squib Measurement Certificate is not valid unless signed by the owner, declaring that he/she undertakes to maintain the boat in compliance with the Squib Class Rules.
CLICK HERE TO download this form’
CLICK HERE to download the National Squib Class Rules
CLICK HERE to download a list of Squib Class Measurers