Burnham Week got off to a fantastic start on Saturday in great weather with sunshine and building breezes. The dinghies had two races from the Burnham Sailing Club, the cruisers and keelboats starting from the Pile House. The Squibs in their first race were very keen to start their week and had a general recall and went back for a second go. Mickey Wright led in 811 Spoof and took the win for race one with Squiggle, Jono Brown second and Dirty Sails, Jack Grogan, third. Race two saw another general recall as the ebb built. Jono Brown in Squiggle won with Lady Penelope second and Spoof third.

Sunday saw another breezy day with all boats getting an excellent foul tide beat down river. The Squib fleet had another general recall and one was disqualified under the U flag rule on the second start of their first race. The fleet also split and several took the South Shore for the beat and many stayed and worked the North Shore tucked right in against the strong spring flood. Jono Brown won in King Cnut with Malcolm Hutchings second in Lady Penelope and Spoof, Mickey Wright third. The second race was important as it is really close overall at the top – another general recall and Rojo sailed by Paul Fisk and Richard Tucker were disqualified under the U flag rule. Lady Penelope won the second race with Jono Brown second and Robert Coyle in Humphrey third. Jono Brown leads 4 points ahead of Spoof with Lady Penelope in third on 18 points.
Sunshine and a good breeze for Monday and very similar courses were set for the classes giving excellent tactical foul tide beats, cross tide legs and long spinnaker runs and reaches. The Squibs had two races again and raced down to Holliwell. Mickey Wright in Spoof led race one with King Cnut in second. Humphrey had to do a 360 after a collision with Lady Penelope and lost out having to get her spinnaker down, do her turn and rehoist. Spoof won with King Cnut second. Rojo won the second race of the day with Spoof second. Jono Brown in King Cnut won the weekend one point ahead of Mickey Wright in Spoof.